After the nursery reveal, a lot of you asked for a post about Arlo’s favorite books! I hope to do several of these as I imagine we’ll find new favorites every couple months as he grows up!
I read a book to Arlo every night before bed. He loves to turn the pages. But at this stage, the books have to be short and sweet and they have to be board books or he just shreds them. LOL Where my fellow mamas of active “I won’t sit still, who do you think I am?” babies at!? The below books are a combination of his favorite and my favorite to read to him. Some are well-designed, some are bilingual, some speak to adoption and some are none of the above and for some reason he just loves them. In no order whatsoever, here we go!

Press Here by Herve Tullet: My brother and sister-in-law passed this book down to us because it was one of their family favorites. And it is the MOST fun to read! You have to press the dots and follow the instructions to take you through the book. It’s incredibly simply but super interactive and while a little over Arlo’s head at this age, it’s still really fun to read together.
Little Blue Truck by Alice Schertle: This was given to us by my friend Chelsea as it’s her kids fave! Little Blue Truck is a series all about a little truck that perseveres. We have the original, the city one and the Christmas one at this point and they’re all great.
La Catrina by Patty Rodriguez & Ariana Stein: I’ve talked a few times about Lil’ Libros because they are our absolute favorite books. Arlo and I have been learning so much Spanish vocabulary together through this books which has been amazing, and I love that each one has illustrations inspired by a Mexican tradition, holiday, public figure or lullaby. La Catrina is the first one we bought and still Arlo’s favorite. He loves looking at the skeletons and kisses every page. It’s so cute!
Contando Con Frida by Patty Rodriguez & Ariana Stein: This is one of our newest Lil’ Libros acquisitions and all of it’s illustrations are inspired by Frida Kahlo’s life. It’s a counting book and for some reason Arlo is fascinated by page 5, which features portraits of Frida’s family. I guess the theme is he loves faces!?
The Family Book by Todd Parr: This was one of the only books Arlo would sit through when he was super little, I think because the illustrations are so graphic and bright. But I love it because it depicts every type of family, from how they began to who they consist of.
Your Baby’s First Word Will Be Dada by Jimmy Fallon: I got this book for Jeff as a Father’s Day present for obvious reasons. But in the last month, Arlo has gotten a total KICK out of reading it! He laughs at all the animal sounds and flips through it at lightening speed so we can read it again and again.
The Crayons Book of Colors by Drew Daywalt and Oliver Jeffers: My personal favorite book to read is The Day The Crayon’s Quit, but it’s a little (lot) too long for Arlo to sit through right now. So I picked up this board book version to substitute. It’s really fun and quirky and inspires kids to break the rules when it comes to color!
Cook In A Book: Tacos! by Lotta Nieminen: My friend Brittni brought this book for Arlo when she visited a few weeks ago and it is the COOLEST! It’s an interactive book teaches you how to make tacos (or pizza, or pancakes!). It has a pretend cardboard knife that we pop out and Arlo loves to hold it and “cut” the pages while we read. It’s the coolest concept ever for a book and now I’m on a mission to collect them all.
Petite Boutique’s Nursery Rhymes: This book. I have NO idea what it is about this book, but Arlo has loved it since the day my mom gave it to him six months ago. It’s just a bunch of classic nursery rhymes with illustrations and other than knowing he loves music in general, I don’t know why it’s like baby-crack for him but it is. Singing required! haha!
Alphablock by Christopher Franceschelli: I put this in his first Easter basket and just recently he re-discovered it on his bookshelf. He loves to flip through it and I love how it’s designed. It has really cute di-cut letters that “hide” what the letter stands for behind them. Moreso, I love that the items they chose for each letter aren’t your typical “apple, ball, cat, etc.” They’re a little more fun and creative and as someone who reads a lot of ABC books, I appreciate it!
What were your kids (or siblings/nieces/nephews/etc.) favorite books when they were around one year old!? Board books, like many of the above, are especially great for this age, too. I’d love to hear them in the comments below!
Heather O says
My nephews love “Are Pirates Polite?” by Corrine Demas! Although they’re older than Arlo (ages 3 – 7) it may be one to keep in mind for a couple years from now! The last time I saw them we read it at least four times in a row and they love the pictures!
Kelly says
Definitely going to look into it!!! Thank you for the rec!
Erin Maree says
Even though I don’t have kids (yet!) I have started to collect childrens books that I love when I see them at good prices.
I really love Allison Lesters books, she writes such fun stories! My favourite of hers is Imagine which I found in board book form and I love, it was one of my favourite books growing up so I was thrilled to find it. Her other books are good too,
I also like Shaun Tan though his books are for much older audiences they are beautiful pictures and I love his book The Lost Thing (the short film is good too).
The Book With No Pictures by B J Novak is hilarious and fun to read.
I often give the book Where is The Green Sheep by Mem Fox for baby shower gifts you can get it in board book form and every kid likes it.
Kelly says
I love that you’ve started a collection!! I haven’t heard of so many of these, have to look them up!!
Johanna Troupe says
My daughter’s favorite books are the series by author Andrea Beaty. Iggy Peck Architect, Ada Twist Scientist and Rosie Revere Engineer. They are so well written and the illustrations are great. My daughter loves that all of the characters are in each other’s books so she likes to pick them out each time.
Kelly says
Oh my gosh, sounds like such an amazing series!!!
DriverB says
We are also big fans of Little Blue Truck. Other daytime faves are How to Lose a Lemur and Barnyard Dance. For bedtime we like Dream Animals (the illustrations are so beautiful, and there are a couple pages with no words that he loves looking at) and Home for a Bunny.
Kelly says
It’s the best! Definitely going to look at these other ones too!
Brittany says
I would recommend Eric Carle books- they are bright, beautiful classics and many come as board books.
Kelly says
Yes!! We love Eric Carle over here too! Such classics.
Michelle says
Yes, my son’s favorites at one were Little Blue Truck and Little Blue Truck Leads the Way. Also, he loved the miniature Dr Seuss board books.. Big Dog, Little Dog and his most favorite, Mr Brown Can Moo! Can You? (with noises made!!!) So fun to get their love of books going at that age. My very active now 3 year old wants me to read all the time- it’s the only he will sit still for! 😊
Kelly says
OMG Mr. Brown Can Moo! I forgot about that book but loved it as a kid. Gotta go get one now!!
(p.s. Totally relate to reading being the only thing he’ll sit still for. Haha!)
Nicole says
Probably not age-appropriate for Arlo (yet), but one of my faves to give to new parents is “Dragons Love Tacos”. Because, TACOS. AND Dragons! And! They just came out with a 2nd book so I gave that to friends who had their 2nd kid. A sequel book to the sequel to their family! haha
Kelly says
I’ve heard so many good things about that book!! Also, love the sequel idea!! You’re a genius.
Tiffany W. says
Around 2-3 yo my niece loved the book Have You Seen My Dragon? by Steve Light. The drawings are intricate cityscapes and each page you look around for the missing dragon.
Press Here is our absolute favorite children’s book!
Kelly says
It’s such a good one, I’m so glad my brother gave it to us!
Lisa says
My 8mo son love’s Andy Warhol’s So Many Stars. The text isn’t super exciting, but he loves the illustrations. Jamberry by Bruce Degen is really fun to read to him too. Every kid in my family has been a huge Sandra Boyton fan as well (All the Hippos Go Berserk is a baby shower gift staple).
Annette says
Absolutely love the idea!!!! Do you sell the shelves in your shop?